Former PhD students, postdocs and Staff Scientists
(in chronological order)
- Hartmut Beug(postdoc, Staff Scientist). Senior Group Leader, IMP Vienna, Austria (deceased 2011)
- Brigitte Royer-Pokora(postdoc). Professor emeritus, Heinrich Heine Universitaet, Frankfurt, Germany
- Kathrin Radtke(postdoc). Professor emeritus, University of California, Davis, USA
- Achim Leutz(postdoc, Staff Scientist). Senior Group Leader, MDC Berlin, Germany
- Elisabeth Kowenz-Leutz(PhD student). Senior Researcher, MDC Berlin, Germany
- Rebecca Adkins(postdoc). Professor University of Miami, USA
- Martino Introna(postdoc). Technical Director, Center of Cellular Therapy “G. Lanzani”, Bergamo, Italy
- Josee Golay(postdoc). Senior Researcher, Center of Cellular Therapy “G. Lanzani”, Bergamo, Italy
- Alexandra Henneberg von Kirchbach(PhD student). Professor em., head of a private Klinik, Frankfurt, Germany
- Fritz von Weizsaecker(PhD student). Head, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Schlosspark-Klinik Berlin, Germany
- Thomas Metz(PhD student).Head of Business Mangement, BoehringerIngelheim, Ingelheim, Germany
- Toru Nakano(postdoc). Professor emeritus, University of Osaka, Japan
- Norbert Kraut(PhD student).Head of Global Cancer Research, BoehringerIngelheim, Ingelheim, Germany
- Klaus Damm(PhD student). AbbVie Inc., Director, New Business Development, Frankfurt, Germany
- Holger Kulessa(PhD student). Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University (deceased 2005)
- Patricia Kahn(postdoc,Staff Scientist).Medical Editor for DoctorsWithoutBorders, New York
- Scott Ness(postdoc). Professor, University of Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
- Jon Frampton(postdoc). Professor, University of Birmingham, England
- Michael Sieweke(Staff Scientist). Humboldt Professor, TU Dresden; Directeurde Recherche, CIML, Marseille-Luminy, France
- Kelly McNagny(postdoc). Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
- Filip Lim(postdoc). Titular, Facultadde Ciencias, Universidad Autonomade Madrid, Madrid, Spain
- Fabio Rossi(PhD student). Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
- Claus Nerlov(Staff Scientist). Group Leader, Weatherill Institute, University of Oxford, UK
- Nicole Faust(postdoc). Chief Scientific Officer at CEVEC Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Germany
- Huafeng Xie(PhD student). Professor, South China University of Technology, Guangzou, China
- Ru Feng(postdoc). Professor, Nanfang Hospital and Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China
- Catherine Laiosa(PhD student). Internist at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, Englewood, New Jersey USA
- Matthias Stadtfeld(postdoc). Assistant Professor of Cell Biology in Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York
- Min Ye(postdoc). Senior Researcher, INCYTE, Wilmington, USA
- Florencio Varas(postdoc, Staff Scientist). Retired because of illness
- Marisa de Andres(technician and PhD student). Research Technician, CRG, Barcelona, Spain
- Lars Bussmann(PhD student). Product & Marketing Manager in Dermato-oncology at Roche Pharmaceuticals
- Eric Kallin(postdoc). Healthcare Communications, Sudler& Hennessey, NYC, USA
- Maribel Parra(postdoc). Group Leader, Institut Josep Carreras, Badalona, Spain
- Francesca Rapino(PhD student). Postdoc with Lee Rubin, Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
- Chris van Oevelen(Staff Scientist). Lecturer, Homeschool Utrect, Institute for Life Sciences and Chemistry, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Bruno Di Stefano(PhD student). Postdoc with Konrad Hochedlinger, Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
- Ralph Stadhouders(postdoc). Junior Group Leader, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Samuel Collombet(PhD student). Postdoc with Edith Heard, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
- Tian Tian(postdoc). Senior postdoc at the Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona